This story was written by 4th grader, Kyndell: One day Pablo invited Deck to his birthday party. Deck said “yes!” But Deck was nervous because he hadn’t been swimming in a long time. Then he was like ok calming himself taking deep breaths. Then he … [Read more...] about The Lost Phone
Student Blog
Personal Strengths: Tuesday Students
The students at Cluster Tutoring have been sharing their personal strengths. Some have special talents that serve them well at school. Some have super sports abilities. Some flourish in the arts or have other assets. Here is the second installment of … [Read more...] about Personal Strengths: Tuesday Students
Self Portrait: Dillon
Dillon H. has created a self portrait that he made using Adobe Illustrator. He is experiencing vector art on the computer with the help of his tutor Joe C. Dillon is currently an 8th grader and has been drawing since he was 6. He likes to freehand … [Read more...] about Self Portrait: Dillon
Book Review: Room on the Broom
A review of Room on the Broom by Summer, Grade 2: Room on the Broom is about a witch who loses her hat and a dog finds it. The dog could talk. He asks can he come along on her broom. So on they came to a bird. She asked the same thing. Then came … [Read more...] about Book Review: Room on the Broom
Picture by Nickeyah, Grade 3, in celebration of February's Black History Month. … [Read more...] about Africa
This picture was submitted by Kindergarten student, Addison. … [Read more...] about Seasons