This story was written by 4th grader, Kyndell:
One day Pablo invited Deck to his birthday party. Deck said “yes!” But Deck was nervous because he hadn’t been swimming in a long time. Then he was like ok calming himself taking deep breaths. Then he started to relax. He was like oh man I’m scared loud then got back nervous again and he took a deep breath.
So Deck took a shower and got ready. When he got done his little brother took a shower because he was going to a party too. So his mom dropped Deck off at Pablo’s house. So Pablo asked Deck if he was ready and he said “yes.” So when they got there they started running to go swimming then Deck dropped his phone and Pablo’s mom picked it up. So two hours later he checked his pockets after swimming and said, “Oh no!” Then Pablo said, “What’s wrong?” He said, “I can’t find my phone.” Then Pablo asked if he checked his pockets and he said duh. So first they went to the lost and found. It wasn’t there. So they went to Pablo’s mom. They asked her if she had seen it. She said “no.” So when they were leaving Deck was like “nooooo my mom’s going to be mad.” Then Pablo’s mom gave it to him. He said thanks. Then he said “How did you find it?” She said “I had it all along.” The he said “You lied.” She said “No I didn’t. It’s called keeping up with your stuff.”